DMI Key Outcome Questions

CLI's Big 3 Outcome Questions

Of the 75 Disciple Maker Index Questions, Catholic Leadership Institute identified 3 that we would consider “outcome questions” – overall measurements for the health of the parish and are indicative of growth.

These 3 Outcome Questions are:

  • I would recommend my parish to a friend
  • My parish helps me grow spiritually as a Catholic
  • How frequently does a parishioner share their personal witness with another person?

CLI has done further statistical analysis discover what drives people to say these things about their parish. This is how your report is structured. You have the ability to dive into all the questions but we think it is prudent to start here.

Scroll down or jump to the Outcome Question in the navigation to the right that you would like to dive more deeply into. There you can watch a video about what regression analysis has shown to be key drivers for that particular question, and find additional resources based on that Outcome Question.

We are frequently adding to these resources and more will be available as our Leadership Consultants bring forward new ideas and insights!

Find out what drives people to recommend their parish to a friend.

If you’ve been to any store in the last week, rented a car, even been to the doctors, they would ask you this question. In market research, this question is THE survey question. The likelihood to recommend has been identified as the best predictor of any organization’s future growth or decline. This question also helps to provide information on your parish's relationship and engagement with parishioners.

Find out what drives people to recommend their parish and more resources on this topic.

Discover what leads people to say their parish helps them grow spiritually as a Catholic.

Your parish is not just another store or service provider. Our Church has a deeper mission. We also identified “My parish helps me grow spiritually as a Catholic” as another outcome question. A good metric of the parish’s health and the effectiveness of your parish in forming the faith of your parishioners.

Find out what drives people to say their parish helps them grow spiritually and more resources on this topic.

Learn what impacts people to say they have shared their personal witness story.

Finally, to try to assess the spirit of Missionary Discipleship, we looked at one of the frequency questions – “How frequently does a parishioner share their personal witness with another person” as one way to understand the spirit of Missionary Discipleship in your community.

Find out what drives people to say they share their witness story and more resources on this topic.

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